Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm engaged!!!!!!!!!

I'm engaged to Grant!!!! Hahaha I'm so happy and excited! So I guess I should probably tell you how it happened.

Grant had mentioned that he wanted to go on a hike before it got too cold. So we had planned that for Oct. 20. Once he was out of work, he came to get me. We went to Adam's canyon. I felt so pathetic because I had to keep stopping to catch my breath about every 2 switchbacks. Honestly, that's the hardest part of the hike. It kills me every time. After that I actually enjoyed the hike. It was a perfect day. The sun was shining, and the temperature was very nice. And the trees were all different colors. I love Autumn! During the hike, Grant would slow down significantly and start texting, so I teased him about not being able to do two things at the same time. We came to a bridge and stopped for a little while to look at the stream. Then we hike on a little further. We came to a spot where we had been before. It's a small plateau/cliff area that's out of the way of passerbys. When we reached the spot, there was a picnic all laid out for us. There was a sign that said "Steab-party of two". It was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me. We ate our meal, looking over the valley. Once we were both done, Grant said, "There might be some dessert in here." He opened the picnic bag, pulled out the ring, and asked, "Laura Rae Denhalter, will you marry me?" I said yes of course. Then two of my friends came out of the bushes and started taking pictures of us. Cora and Stephanie had hiked up before us and set everything up.

So I'm now engaged to the most amazing man alive!

Friday, August 27, 2010

My first time disliking someone I work with....

The new morning aide that I work with is driving me insane! She keeps changing everything and pulls out the seniority card whenever I disagree with something she's doing...or more often what she's telling me to do. She's been telling me that we need to do this and this and this with the girl we work with. I've been working with this little girl since she was in kindergarten; this is going to be my 4th year with her. I've learned a lot about *Kayla*. I know her needs and capabilities. I also know my abilities. The aide is suggesting that we take Kayla out of her wheelchair and run around with her at recess and P.E.. I feel that is dangerous, and knowing me and my marvelous balance, I would end up tripping and landing on her. I've also learned that this aide is taking notes on me. In these notes, she wrote, "Afternoon aide cannot lift student." I can lift Kayla as much as she needs to be lifted. I just don't trust myself to run around with her...I don't know how much I trust the morning aide to do that either. Thankfully, Kayla doesn't trust the other aide right now, so she won't allow her to get her out of her chair.

The latest thing that this morning aide did was change my schedule. What made her think she has the right to change my schedule without consulting me?? Normally I work 17.5 hours a week Monday-Thursday. That's the schedule that I've had for the past 3 years. I plan things around that schedule. The morning aide agreed to work at the school knowing ahead of time what her schedule would be. But she's decided it's not fair that I don't work on Fridays, and she does. She complained that she couldn't work every Friday...even though that's what she has been doing during her 24 years as an aide. She informed me that I would have to work on the 1st and 4th Friday of every month. If I can't work the Friday, then I have to get a sub, and I lose the hours and money. She has more hours than I do, and higher pay. I don't think it's fair for me to lose the small amount of money I earn just because she suddenly doesn't like the schedule. It's just really making me mad. I don't show my anger to her, of course. The teacher could tell just by the way to other aide has been acting that there were soon going to be problems. So it's not just me noticed what a b-word she's been. I haven't enjoyed a single day of work because she's been there telling me how to do my job and going on about her 24 years of experience whenever I disagree. I'm sorry I haven't been alive for most of that. But I have the seniority with this job because I've been here longer. Ugh!!! I wish she'd go away and leave me alone.